Professional Experience
Candidate for Roanoke City Sheriff (2021)
Certified Electronic Search Specialist (Project LifeSaver – 2018)
Certified School Resource Officer (D.A.R.E.) (2018) – Earned Gene Ayers Legacy Award
Law Enforcement Certified (2015)
Master Deputy Sheriff (2014)
Virginia Law Enforcement Professional Standards Commission (2013)
Member of accreditation team formed to ensure Roanoke City Sheriff’s department became a Certified Law Enforcement Agency. Initial Certification obtained in 2013.
Certified Basic Jailor & Court Services (2009)
Deputy Sheriff (2008)

Based on Antonio’s occupational experience within the past thirteen years, he has continued to show his commitment to the department and the community that he serves.
Community Engagement
Roanoke City Standing for Equity Black Excellence Award (2021) – Presented by S.E.R.V
Key to the City (2019) – Presented by Mayor Sherman Lea Sr. on behalf of Roanoke City Council
In Roanoke City, the act of receiving the key to the city is the highest form of municipal honor. It is symbolic but signifies a milestone within the community.
NAACP Impactors of Excellence Award (2017) – Presented by NAACP Youth Council / Roanoke VA Chapter
Urban Professional League: Citizen of the Year Award (2016)
“Giving back to the community is how I grew up, and it defines me. My goal in life is to inspire others to give back any way they can, not because they have to, but because they want to.”
– Antonio Hash